martes, 22 de diciembre de 2009

"mio" couple pose available

So here's the new release, after some days laying finalised in my inventory. It was supposed to beat first a pose inspired by a Luis Royo drawing, but due to SL limitations I had to make some changes to it.

It's basically a hug/kiss cute pose. You can buy it at the store or at Xstreet, for the normal price (that is, 50L$).

Here's the Xstreet link:

And the SLurl to the store:

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

New pose, "Straighten Up"

As I'm lazy and it's pretty pointless to write a post for all the pre-blog releases, I'll just post the last one to date and we'll pretend it's all allright, okay? :D

So, this was a custom request by Adara Cascarino (here you have a link to her Flickr stream). It's a bit kinkier than usual (well, at least from all I've released so far) and I'm quite content with it.

In the package you'll find TWO versions of the same pose: one of it it's her (or the dom) raising the subbie chin with a crop, the other version doesn't need a crop because the dom simply points at the subbie like saying 'HMPH YA STAY THERE' or something like that. And there's included too a set for the pose, for any of the two versions; the set includes a 2-prim sculpted chair (1 prim for the chair itself and another prim for the shadow and a crop, a very simple one (VERY very simple one), in the crop version of the pose, just clicking the chair. So, resuming it all, it includes:

- Poseball version of the crop version of the pose
- Poseball version of the non-crop version of the pose
- Chair & crop set for the crop version of the pose
- Chair set for the non-crop version of the pose

It's all copy/mod, and it includes some basic instructions in case you dont know how to work with linked prims. I know it's kinda pointless to include all of that when i could just include the two poseball versions and the chair, but the sets are for those who just want to rezz & shoot.

The package goes up a bit in price (that is, compared to my other poses), going for the 150L$ price tag. It's 2 poses and a nice chair, so it's not that much of a price ;D

Here's the Xstreet listing for the item (adult rated, just in case):

And here's the SLurl to the mainstore, where you can try both versions of the pose (and hopefully buy it too...):

Starting this up

So yeah, I'm kinda clueless of how this works. Not that I've never had a blog before, but not one hosted here, not one about SL either. Anyways, welcome to this blog, where I'll post the new releases, gifts, notices...anything that involves my little store in Second Life, -WDK- (stands for WeirDorK. Yes I know, horrible name, that's why from now on I will be referring it as just -WDK-).

Before starting posting the stuff, here are some few things you should know about me and/or the shop:

-YES, I know I commit many typos, grammar mistakes, and many other ravaging to the english language. But its not my native language, so you'll have to bear with them. Sorry!

-Keep the spam out of here. Seriously, there's nothing uglier to spam other's blog, specially with automated scripts. I'll apply the banhammer of Odin Hammerstein without even giving a notice about it. I don't like it, it's ugly, so keep it away from here. Thanks!

-Any suggestions please just IM them to me in world (my avi name it's the same as the one I'll use in the blog). If you send them here I'll probably miss them (yes, I'm a Blogger newb T_T). :D

It will take me some time to decide the format of everything, so yes, I know the blog looks ugly, the posts are uglier and I don't shave. So, again, bear with that for the first days.

And finally, here's the SLurl to the store:

And here my merchant page at Xstreet. Note thats it's the link to the uncensored version, just because I'm a naughty monkey and I like to release adult stuff (that is, if you consider that shapes and mild sexy poses are your idea of adult stuff :D):

Sooo, thanks for reading all this useless brick, and don't hesitate to send me your requests and suggestions. :D